Ravex Global

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Legal Of Ravex Global

Note: By registering in Ravex Global Broker, you promise that you have read and accepted all the broker’s terms, rules and agreements.


We Can Make Changes To Our Site

We reserve the right to make changes to the terms on this site. Accordingly, we may update and change our site from time to time. The most current version of these terms and conditions will be found on our website. Please check these contents to make sure you understand the terms and conditions that apply when you want to use our site.

We May Suspend or Withdraw Our Site

Our site is free. There is no guarantee that any content or link on our site will always be available or uninterrupted. We may suspend, restrict or withdraw the usability of all or any part of our site for technical, operational and other reasons. We may provide feedback to you when any of these situations occur.

Any person accessing our site must be aware of these terms and conditions of use.

Our site is not suitable for users in the United States, Islamic Republic of Iran and Canada. It is not appropriate to distribute or use any service on our site by any person in the countries we specify.

This would be in violation of local laws or regulations. From time to time, the site may be partially or completely unavailable in other countries not listed above. It is the visitor’s responsibility to ensure that the services on our site comply with any local laws or regulations in countries that are not suitable for use. We do not declare that the content on our site or accessible from our site is suitable for use where this site is accessible and in the jurisdictions.

It is Your Responsibility to Ensure the Security of Your Account Information

It is within your control to ensure the protection of the user identification code, password or other information transmitted to you as part of our security procedures. You should not share it with any third party. We have the right to disable your account if you share your user identification code or password with a person chosen by you and not assigned by us, beyond our reasonable opinion, or if you fail to comply with any provision of these terms of use.

How Can You Use the Services on Our Site?

All intellectual property rights and licenses on our site belong solely to us. Published materials in the content of this site, including copyright, database rights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights, are fully owned by us.

Any rights not owned by us belong to third parties for whom we have obtained consent to use. These works are protected by copyright laws and treaties worldwide. All these rights are reserved. Our site includes general usage and investor usage areas. The investor area is only available to people who have opened an account with us. You may not modify in any way the paper or digital copies of any material you have printed or downloaded. You do not use any information or material on the site in any way. We own the intellectual property of the materials on our site and you have no rights in such materials. You must not use any part of the content on our site for commercial or any other purpose without permission from us or our licensors. If you print, copy or download any part of our site in violation of these terms of use; We reserve the right to take any other action we deem appropriate.

The content on our site is provided for general information only. We do not intend to give any precise information. If you desire this type of information flow, you should definitely seek expert advice before taking any action on the basis of the content on our site. Although we make reasonable efforts to update the information on our site, we cannot make any representations or warranties, express or implied, as to whether the content on our site is accurate, complete, up-to-date.

Rules About Connecting to Our Site

You must not establish a connection with our other investors or experts through our site to suggest any association, endorsement or endorsement. You must not link to our site on any site. Our site must not be framed or linked to any part of our site. You must not use our name or part of it for any use not authorised by the RAVEX Global. If you want to link to or use any content on our site other than those mentioned above, please contact us.

Except for persons harmed by you, we will always remain liable to you for any non-illegal circumstance within the jurisdiction of our liability for damage.

Different limitations and liability for liability arising from the supply to you of any product specified in our Customer Agreement are excluded. In this context; We will not be liable in any way for any loss or damage you suffer due to your inability to use, access or present our site to the fullest extent permitted by law.

We exclude all implied terms, warranties, representations or other terms that may apply to any content on our site. We will not be liable to you for any loss or damage, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise in connection with:
We Are Not Responsible For Viruses And You Should Not Promote Them
We do not warrant that our site will be safe from bugs or viruses or that our site is fit for a purpose.

You are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programs and platform to access our site. You should use your own virus protection software.

You must not misuse by promoting technologically harmful materials on our site. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to our site, the server on which our site is stored, or any server, computer or database connected to our site. You must not attack our site through a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack. By violating this provision, you are committing an offense under the applicable legislation. We would like to make it clear that we will report such violations to the relevant law enforcement authorities and will cooperate with these authorities by disclosing your identity. In the event of such a violation, your right to use our site will be terminated immediately.

Our Trademarks Are Registered

All copyright, database rights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights in the content of this site belong to us or a third party with whom we cooperate, including our licensors. Content on our website (whichever) may or may not be identified by a symbol. The absence of such a symbol should not be construed as implying that the name, term or data is not the intellectual property of ourselves or any third party. We also have rights to our domain name. Therefore, you cannot copy the same words as our domain name or create and use any domain names containing the same words. In particular, any word containing the word “RAVEX Global” is not suitable for use alone or with other letters. In addition, all content on our site is copyrighted. No information or content on this site may be reproduced, adapted or uploaded to a third party.


Although we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information on this site, the information provided on the site is subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to change these terms at any time by posting the revised terms of this information. Although we do not have to obtain approval before making changes; the current version will be the most recent.


If all or part of these provisions are held to be invalid, void or illegal by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the terms and conditions will be in full force and will not affect the validity or enforceability of that provision in any other jurisdiction.

General Promotion Agreement

This contract has been prepared exclusively for RAVEX Global investors, from now on the legal person will be referred to as the company investor. The credit promotion is only given to company investors and is limited to company investors. The promotional redemption feature is launched from the date of the agreement and will be valid for a single agreed period during the year. After the investor’s account is active, credit promotions can be started and he has the right to withdraw his current balance if the required transaction volume is completed within a given year. Although the bonus provides a great advantage in investments, the account cannot be exited before the required transaction volume is completed. To calculate the lot to be traded, 20% of the promotion amount is taken. For example: The minimum lot size required for a $500 credit promotion is 100 lots, and 200 lots for $1000. (The required transaction volume must be made within the contract period between the investor and the company. Otherwise, the company has the right to deduct the desired transaction volume from the investor’s balance). This promotional offer will be valid unless the company claims otherwise. The company will be able to make any changes on the proposal by giving prior notice. Transaction volumes are counted only in currencies and commodities (with at least 25 contracts). The right to withdraw the offer, depending on the activity in the investor’s account, is at the discretion of the company. The terms and conditions of this agreement are also detailed on the company website (www.nglinvestment.com). In case of abuse of the given bonus (Full margin, arbitrage trading, latency trading, opening and closing transactions for a very short time only to complete the transaction volume, etc.), the bonus can be canceled. In the event of any disagreement regarding the fulfilment of the terms of the agreement, the promotional offer will cease to be valid. Our investor has accepted this agreement by showing the following information in line with these terms and conditions.

1. Investment

1.1. We can keep your money and other investors’ money in the same investor’s bank account (omnibus account). In this case, he has the right to determine your money through our back office and accounting system.

1.2 We may take the investor’s money to any of our affiliates or a third party (for example, a bank, a convenience store, merchant, e-wallet, intermediate broker, OTC counterparty or clearinghouse) for control purposes. In this case, we may influence a Transaction relating to that person or specify an obligation to provide collateral (for example, the initial margin requirement) in relation to a Transaction. We are not responsible for any acts or omissions of third parties to whom we forward money we receive from you. The third party to whom we transfer money may hold that money in an omnibus account and it may not be possible to separate it from our money or third party funds. In the event of bankruptcy or other similar proceedings with that third party, we will only file an unsecured claim against the third party on behalf of you and our other investors. However, in this case, you may be exposed to the risk of receiving the money. The third party is not sufficient to meet the demands of you and other traders who have claims regarding the account in question. The company does not accept any liability for funds not deposited into the company’s bank accounts due to delays and failures in deposits, either directly or through third parties.

1.3. We will not pay interest on investor money deposited into the investor account or accounts set aside by the Company, and we may place your money in overnight deposits. You agree that we are permitted to keep any accrued interest.

1.4. We may keep your investor money on your behalf outside the borders of the country where we are or are located. The legal regime applicable to any bank or individual may be different. In the event of bankruptcy or other similar transactions with that bank or person, your money may be treated differently if it is held in another bank/account. We shall not be liable for the bankruptcy, acts or omissions of third parties referred to in this paragraph.

1.5. We may deposit your money with a security interest, mortgage or a deposit that may entitle you to a deferment.

1.6. If there is a 5 lot transaction volume and a withdrawal request before 10 transactions are opened after the fund is made, 35 USD withdrawal costs are deducted from the account.

1.7. 1 withdrawal request per week can be given free of charge. For subsequent withdrawal requests, the 20 USD withdrawal fee will be deducted from the account.

1.8. By signing or accepting the Customer Agreement, you accept all of the conditions stated above by the company and authorize the company to make any deposit-withdrawal transactions from the “Customer Funds” bank account. Payment of all transactions carried out within the scope of the agreement and all amounts to be paid to or on behalf of the investor to the company or to another person are among the issues that you accept.

2. Deposits and Withdrawals from the Investor’s Account

2.1 Your Account; You can finance by credit card, debit card, money order or any method of money transfer accepted by the company, such as SEPA transfers, e-wallets, or from affiliated companies at their discretion. We do not guarantee that all transfer methods are available in your country. Money transfers deposited into your account only by you; can be initiated from the trading platform or, subject to your express consent, with the assistance of a telephone representative.

2.2 The minimum initial deposit required to start trading is described in the “Accounts” section of our website. At our discretion, if you have transferred less than the minimum initial deposit, we may allow you to start trading. We reserve the right to refuse cash deposits and/or access commercial accounts due to such cash deposits.

2.3 You can withdraw funds deposited from your account in accordance with the procedure described in the withdrawal section of our website, by undertaking to provide us with the necessary documents. If your withdrawal request is made without meeting all the requirements, the company reserves the right to reject your withdrawal request until all legal requirements are met. The company does not charge you any fees for withdrawals. However, you will be forwarded on the expenses incurred for transferring funds withdrawn by the bank, credit card company, payment processor or e-wallet. Please see the relevant section on our website. The maximum amount that can be transferred with your first deposit method is equal to the first deposit made. The profit made can only be transferred to your bank account.

2.4 The investor may withdraw the money deposited into his account and/or the profits he has earned from his account only from his own account or from the relevant account used to finance the account. Transfers (withdrawals) of funds from the source account to another account are permissible at the sole discretion of the company, provided that there is a reasonable justification. The minimum withdrawal amount is $100 unless stated otherwise.

2.5 The investor is fully responsible for the payment details provided to the company, and the company accepts no liability for the investor’s funds if these details provided by the investor are incorrect. If a withdrawal request is made to a bank account, the investor has 10 business days from the date of the withdrawal request to provide their bank details. If ten days have passed without sufficient and appropriate information, the funds will be returned to the trading account and a new withdrawal request must be submitted.

2.6 Please note that in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, which you have accepted, we will apply a zero tolerance policy in case any inconvenience such as fraudulent credit and debit card usage is detected. In the event of redemption, credit/debit card chargebacks or other processor chargebacks (regardless of when the transaction or refund occurs), all accounts will be terminated immediately and irreversibly. You agree that we are not required to give you notice before closing your transactions and/or your account. However, we can choose to do so.

2.7 In cases where “friendly fraud” is suspected, such as a justifiable claim for compensation in the face of a legitimate action; We reserve the right, irrevocably and indefinitely, to immediately bar you or any third party authorized to act on your behalf from using our services. In these cases, the following can be used:
All IP addresses used to access or associate with your account.
Your own account, the names of authorized third parties, and other identification information included in the identification documents submitted during the account verification process. Any other descriptive element that we may find appropriate and effective.
All bans may include any of the following actions, which are final and non-transferable:
a) Recovery of chargeback amounts from the remaining balance of your account
b) Receiving the total profit amount from the remaining balance of your account
c) Receiving the bonuses from the remaining balance of your account d) Criminal proceedings against you for credit card fraud e) Initiating lawsuits to seek compensation for all damages and damages incurred, including damages to reputation directly or indirectly related to fraudulent chargebacks.
RAVEX Global guides you towards achieving your goals with its well-equipped experts and technological tools.


Please ensure you have carefully read and understood the following trading conditions before using our platform. By using our services, you agree to adhere to these terms. Non-compliance with these rules may lead to suspension of your account, withdrawal of funds, and potential legal actions.

Account and Fund Suspension:

The following actions will result in immediate suspension of the account and prohibition of the associated funds:

  • Engaging in scalping for a duration of less than 5 minutes.
  • Using different MAC addresses without communicating with the firm.
  • Utilizing suspicious IP addresses.
  • Allowing unauthorized individuals to operate the account without informing the firm.

Account Termination and Legal Action:

The following activities can lead to the termination of the account and initiation of legal proceedings by the firm:

  • Depositing and withdrawing funds in violation of anti-money laundering laws.
  • Defaming the firm in any manner.
  • Breaching the agreements signed between the firm and the account holder.
  • Threatening the reputation of the firm.
  • Attempting fraud or deception through software.
  • Under normal conditions, scalping time is considered to be 5 minutes.
  • For transactions opened close to the publication of news data, scalping time is considered to be 15 minutes.
  • News trading is allowed, but if the investor opens more transactions than the normal average at the time of data or tries to make profits only with transactions with high lots at the time of data, these profits will not be accepted.
  • Customers who carry their profits to the second month without withdrawing them must trade for 15 trading days in order to withdraw 30%.
  • Customers who carry their profits to the 3rd month without withdrawing them must trade for 30 trading days in order to withdraw 50%

Account Ban and Withdrawal of Funds:

The following actions will result in the account being banned and the deposited funds being withdrawn to the account holder’s account:

  • Failing to comply with the firm’s rules as per the account agreement.
  • Attempting to manipulate the firm’s personnel.
  • Withdrawing funds before the agreed date.
  • Providing false information during the Know Your Customer (KYC) process.
    Executing unexpectedly frequent position opening and closing transactions.
  • To ensure no disruption in your investments and transactions, it is required to trade lots equivalent to 1% of your initial investment.


Please note that the firm reserves the right to take necessary measures to maintain the integrity of our services and protect our clients, including suspending accounts, terminating them, and initiating legal actions.



1.1 In order to service our clients  the RAVEX Global (hereinafter “the RAVEX Global” “we” or “us”) needs to collect personal data from our clients and/or potential clients, contact persons at suppliers and/or other business partners. The RAVEX Global also processes personal data about employees for the purpose of personnel administration. 

In light of the above, the RAVEX Global wants to ensure a high level of data protection as privacy is a cornerstone in gaining and maintaining the trust of our clients and/or potential clients, contact persons at suppliers and/or other business partners and thus, ensuring the RAVEX Global’s future business. The same applies to the processing of personal data about the employees.

Protection of personal data requires among other things that appropriate technical and organisational measures are implemented to demonstrate a high level of data protection. the RAVEX Global has adopted a number of internal and external data protection policies, which must be followed by employees of the RAVEX Global. 

Additionally, the RAVEX Global will monitor, audit and document internal compliance with the data protection policies and applicable statutory data protection requirements, including the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

The RAVEX Global will also take the necessary steps in order to enhance data protection compliance within the organisation. These steps include the assignment of responsibilities, raising awareness and training within data protection of staff involved in processing operations. Please note that this data protection guideline will be reviewed from time to time to take into account any new obligations. Retention of personal data will be governed by our most recent retention policy. 

This data protection guideline, along with guidelines for processing of personal data, constitute the overall framework for processing of personal data within the RAVEX Global. 

1.2 “Personal data” is any information which may be related to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, location data, phone number, age, gender, etc. Such personal data can for instance concern an employee, a job applicant, client/potential client, supplier and other business partners. 

1.3 Personal data can be categorised as ordinary non-sensitive personal data or special categories of personal data (sensitive personal data). Special categories of personal data are exhaustively outlined in the GDPR and include personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, bio-metric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation. Ordinary non-sensitive personal data include all information that is not categorised as special categories of personal data (sensitive personal data). Such information can be name, address, telephone number, employee id, information about education, etc. Certain ordinary non-sensitive personal data may be considered confidential. This may, for instance, include information on income and wealth, and information on internal family relationships/matters. Confidential, ordinary non-sensitive data are normally subject to further security measures. 
The category of personal data will have an impact on which legal basis the processing of such personal data can be based on. Special rules apply to the processing of data about criminal offences and CPR-numbers. The various legal bases are described below in clause 2.

1.4 Although information regarding companies/businesses is not as such personal data, please note that information relating to contact persons within such companies/businesses, e.g. name, title, work email, work phone number, etc. is considered personal data. However, personal data relating to a personally owned and run business are considered as personal data even if the personal data concern the business. Such personal data are considered as relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

1.5 The RAVEX Global collects and uses personal data for a variety of legitimate business purposes, including establishment and management of customer and supplier relationships, completion of purchase agreements, recruitment and management of all aspects of terms and conditions of employment, communication, fulfilment of legal obligations or requirements, performance of contracts, providing services to clients, etc. When carrying out such processing activities, the first step is to ensure that the general principles relating to the processing of personal data are complied with.

1.6 Pursuant to the general principles personal data shall always be: 
Processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject (principle of lawfulness, fairness and transparency);
Collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes (principle of purpose limitation);
adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed (principle of data minimisation);
accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date; every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that personal data that are inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which they are processed, are erased or rectified without delay (principle of accuracy);
kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data is processed (principle of storage limitation);
processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures (principle of integrity and confidentiality).

1.7 The RAVEX Global shall be responsible for and be able to demonstrate compliance with the above (principle of accountability). This principle is one of the reasons that we have prepared this data protection guideline and why it is important that you read it thoroughly. 

2.1 Besides complying with the general principles relating to the processing of personal data, the processing of the personal data must also be based on a legal basis. The legal basis will depend on, which category of personal data is being processed. 
The most predominant legal bases for processing ordinary non-sensitive personal data, such as, name, address, email, telephone number, credit card information, etc., within the RAVEX Global are:
The performance of a contract to which the data subject is party;
A legal obligation or requirement to which the RAVEX Global is party; and
Legitimate interests pursued by the RAVEX Global or by a third party.
In certain cases, if none of the above legal bases can be applied, the RAVEX Global will obtain the data subjects’ consent to the processing.
The most predominant legal bases for processing special categories of personal data (if any) within the RAVEX Global are:
Explicit consent from the data subject(s) for one or more specific purposes;
To comply with obligations and exercising specific rights of the RAVEX Global or the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law; and
If the processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.
Below, follows a more detailed description of the legal bases. 

2.2 Performance of a contract
2.2.1 It will be legitimate to collect and process personal data relevant to the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract. This applies to all contractual obligations and agreements signed with the RAVEX Global, including the pre-contractual phase irrespective of the success of the contract negotiation.
2.3 Compliance with a legal obligation 
2.3.1 The RAVEX Global must comply with various legal obligations and requirements, which are based on Union or Member State law. Such legal obligations, to which the RAVEX Global is subject, may be sufficient as a legitimate basis for the processing of personal data.
2.3.2 Such legal obligations include obligations to collect, register and/or make available certain types of information relating to employees, clients, etc. Such legal requirements will then form the legal basis for us to process the personal data, however, it is important to note whether the provisions allowing or requiring the RAVEX Global to process certain personal data also set out requirements in relation to storage, disclosure and deletion. 
2.4 Legitimate interests
2.4.1 Personal data will only be processed where it is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the RAVEX Global, and these interests or fundamental rights are not overridden by the interests of the data subject. The RAVEX Global will, when deciding to process personal data, ensure that the legitimate interests do not override the rights and freedoms of the individual and that the processing will not cause unwarranted harm. An example of a legitimate interest of the RAVEX Global is to process personal data on potential clients in order to expand the business and develop new business relations. The data subject must be given information on the specific legitimate interests pursued by the RAVEX Global if a processing is based on this legal basis, cf. clause 4.1 below.
2.5 Consent
2.5.1 If the collection, registration and further processing of personal data on clients, suppliers, other business relations and employees are based on such a person’s consent to the processing of personal data for one or more specific purposes, the RAVEX Global shall be able to demonstrate that the data subject has consented to processing of his or her personal data.
2.5.2 A consent shall be freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s wishes.
The data subject must actively consent to the processing of personal data by a statement or by a clear affirmative action.
2.5.3 A request for consent shall be presented in a manner, which is clearly distinguishable from other matters, in an intelligible and easily accessible form, using clear and plain language.
2.5.4 To process special categories of personal data (sensitive personal data) the consent shall also be explicit.
2.5.5 The data subject is entitled to withdraw his/her consent at any time and upon such withdrawal, we will stop collecting and/or processing personal data about that person unless we are obligated or entitled to do so based on another legal basis.
2.6 Obligations and exercising specific rights of the RAVEX Global or the data subject
2.6.1 This legal basis will in most cases only be relevant if the RAVEX Global processes health data about the employees to comply with the rules pursuant to employment law or collective agreements, e.g. reimbursement of sickness benefits, etc.
2.7 Legal claims
2.7.1 This legal basis will be relevant if it is necessary for the RAVEX Global to process personal data in order to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim towards a third party, for instance a client or an employee. 

3.1 The RAVEX Global as Data Controller 
3.1.1 The RAVEX Global is in most cases processing personal data as a data controller, as the RAVEX Global determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data, e.g. when the processing relates to the RAVEX Global’s clients, other business partners and employees. 
3.2 Use of data processors
3.2.1 An external data processor is a company, which processes personal data on behalf of the RAVEX Global and in accordance with the RAVEX Global documented instructions, including for the RAVEX Global’s purposes and by means set-out by the RAVEX Global e.g. in relation to providers of HR systems, third party IT providers, etc. When the RAVEX Global outsources the processing of personal data to data processors, the RAVEX Global ensures that said company as a minimum implements the same degree of security measures for the protection of personal data protection as the RAVEX Global. If this cannot be guaranteed, the RAVEX Global will choose another data processor. The processing by a data processor is governed by a data processing agreement.
3.3 Data processing agreements
3.3.1 Prior to transfer of personal data to the data processor, the RAVEX Global shall assess whether the data processor provides sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures in such a manner that processing will meet the requirements of the GDPR and ensure the protection of the rights of the data subjects. After the assessment is carried out and it is determined that the data processor meets such requirements, the RAVEX Global shall enter into a written data processing agreement with the data processor. The data processing agreement ensures that the RAVEX Global controls the processing of personal data, which takes place outside the RAVEX Global for which the RAVEX Global is the data controller and thereby responsible. 
3.3.2 If the data processor/sub-data processor is located outside the EU/EEA, the conditions of clause 3.4.2 below will apply. 
3.4 Disclosure of personal data to other independent data controllers
3.4.1 Before disclosing personal data to others, i.e. other independent data controllers, it is the responsibility of the RAVEX Global to ensure that the general principles relating to the processing of personal data are complied with. Further, it is the RAVEX Global’s responsibility to ensure that the disclosure of the personal data is based on a legal basis.
3.4.2 If the third-party recipient is located outside the EU/EEA in a third country that does not ensure an adequate level of personal data protection, the transfer can only be completed if the RAVEX Global is providing appropriate safeguards. This will be done by entering into a transfer agreement between the RAVEX Global and the third party. The transfer agreement shall be based on the EU Standard Contractual Clauses.

Subject to various terms and conditions and exceptions, the data subjects have the following rights:
4.1 Duty of information when the personal data are obtained from the data subject
4.1.1 When the RAVEX Global processes, including collects and registers personal data about data subjects, the RAVEX Global is obligated to inform such persons about the following: 
The purposes of the processing for which the personal data are intended as well as the legal basis for the processing;
the categories of personal data concerned;
the legitimate interests pursued by the RAVEX Global, if the processing is based on a balancing of interests;
the recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data, if any;
where applicable, the fact that the RAVEX Global intends to transfer personal data to a third country and the legal basis for such transfer;
the period for which the personal data will be stored, or if that is not possible, the criteria used to determine that period;
the existence of the right to request from the RAVEX Global access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing concerning the data subject or to object to processing as well as the right to data portability;
where the processing is based on the data subject’s consent, the existence of the right to withdraw consent at any time, however, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal;
the right to lodge a complaint with the RAVEX Global via the correct procedure or with a supervisory authority;
whether the provision of personal data is a statutory or contractual requirement, or a requirement necessary to enter into a contract, as well as whether the data subject is obliged to provide the personal data and of the possible consequences of failure to provide such data;
the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, and meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences of such processing for the data subject.
4.1.2 The RAVEX Global has prepared a privacy notice that contains a more detailed description of the above-mentioned information obligation. 
4.1.3 If the personal data are not obtained from the data subject, he/she must also be informed about the source from which the personal data originate, an if applicable, whether it came from publicly accessible sources. 
4.2 Right to access
4.2.1 Any person whose personal data the RAVEX Global is processing, including but not limited to, the RAVEX Global employees, job applicants, external suppliers, clients, potential clients, contact persons employed at business partners, etc. has the right to obtain from the RAVEX Global confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him/her are being processed, and if that is the case, request access to the personal data which the RAVEX Global processes about him/her in addition with the information outlined in clause 4.1.1 above. 
4.3 Right to rectification 
4.3.1 The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the RAVEX Global without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her.
4.4 Right to erasure (right to be forgotten)
4.4.1 The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the RAVEX Global the erasure of personal data concerning him or her and the RAVEX Global shall have the obligation to erase personal data without undue delay, unless it is required by law to retain any information for a prescribed period of time, for example, by financial regulators or tax authorities.  
4.5 Right to restriction of processing
4.5.1 The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the RAVEX Global restriction of processing, if applicable. 
4.6 Right to data portability 
4.6.1 The data subject shall have the right to receive the personal data registered in a structured and commonly used and machine-readable format.
4.7 Right to objection
4.7.1 The data subject shall have the right to object, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, at any time to processing of personal data concerning him or her which is based on a balancing of interests, including profiling.
4.8 Any requests received from a data subject to exercise the rights in this clause will be answered as soon as reasonably possible, and no later than 30 days from receipt. Requests shall be forwarded without delay to the RAVEX Global’s Service Center. The Service Center will be supported by the the RAVEX Global’s Data Protection Officer to process the request to meet the reply deadline. 
5.1 New products, services, technical solutions, etc. must be designed so they meet the principles of data protection by design and data protection by default settings why RAVEX Global has implemented the following guiding principles within its organisation:
1. Privacy as the Default Setting
Ensure that personal data are automatically protected in any given IT system or business practice.
2. Privacy Embedded into Design
Covering business process-, software design and development. Privacy is an essential component of the core functionality and our services, held up without diminishing the functionality. 
3. End-to-End Security — Full Life-cycle Protection
Ensure that personal data are automatically protected in any given IT system or business practice, using appropriate encryption and authentication until the data is deleted. 
4. Respect for clients Privacy — Keep it Client-Centric
The users own their data. The consumer has the right to make corrections, including the right to be forgotten. 
that inform and support how the RAVEX Global fulfils its responsibility to ensure clients’ privacy rights.

5.1.1 Data protection by design means that when designing new products or services, key considerations to data protection must be shown.
The RAVEX Global will take the following factors into account when acquiring or developing new products, services, technical solutions, etc.: the state of the art, the cost of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risks of varying likelihood and severity for rights and freedoms of natural persons posed by the processing of personal data.
The RAVEX Global shall, both at the time of the determination of the means for processing and at the time of the processing itself, implement appropriate technical and organisational measures, including inter alia as appropriate pseudonymisation, which are designed to implement data protection principles, such as data minimisation, in an effective manner and to integrate the necessary safeguards into the processing in order to meet data protection requirements and protect the rights and freedoms of data subjects. This is described further in clause 8 below.
5.1.2 Data protection by default requires that relevant data minimisation techniques are implemented.
The RAVEX Global shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures ensuring that, by default, only personal data which is necessary for each specific purpose of the processing is processed.
This minimisation requirement applies to the amount of personal data collected, the extent of their processing, the period of their storage and their accessibility.

Such measures shall ensure that by default, personal data are not made accessible without careful consideration.

6.1 The RAVEX Global shall as data controller maintain records of processing activities under the RAVEX Global’s responsibility. The records shall contain the following information:
name and contact details;
the purposes of the processing;
a description of the categories of data subjects and of the categories of personal data;
the recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed, including recipients in third countries or international organisations;
where applicable, transfers of personal data to a third country, including the identification of that third country and, if relevant, the documentation of suitable safeguards;
where possible, the envisaged time limits for erasure of the different categories of data; and
where possible, a general description of the applied technical and organisational security measures.
6.1.1 RAVEX Global shall make the records of processing activities available to relevant data protection authorities upon request. the RAVEX Global has prepared several of such records.

7.1 Personal data shall be deleted when the RAVEX Global no longer has a legitimate purpose for the continuous storage or other processing of the personal data, or when it is no longer required to store the personal data in accordance with applicable legal requirements.
7.2 Detailed retention periods with respect to various categories of personal data are specified in the RAVEX Global’s Data Retention and Information Sharing policy. 

8.1 The RAVEX Global shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk, including inter alia as appropriate:
The Pseudonymisation and encryption of personal data;
the ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing systems and services;
the ability to restore the availability and access to personal data in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident;
a process for regularly testing, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures for ensuring the security of the processing.
8.2 In assessing the appropriate level of security account shall be taken in particular of the risks that are presented by processing, in particular from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed. The RAVEX Global has prepared written risk assessments with regards to the processing activities.


9.1 If the RAVEX Global processes personal data that is likely to result in a high risk for the persons whose personal data is being processed, a Data Protection Impact Assessment (“DPIA”) shall be carried out. 
9.1.1 A DPIA implies that the RAVEX Global will, taking into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risks of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons, implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure and to be able to demonstrate that processing is performed in accordance with data protection requirements. 
9.2 The technical and organisational measures shall be reviewed and updated where necessary and no later than every 6 months.
9.2.1 Adherence to approved codes of conduct or approved certification mechanisms may be used as an element by which to demonstrate compliance with the appropriate technical and organisational measures according to this clause.

10.1 Pursuant to the GDPR, profiling is defined as “any form of automated processing of personal data consisting of the use of personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular to analyse or predict aspects concerning that natural person’s performance at work, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behaviour, location or movements“.
10.2 “Profiling” in the context of this data protection guideline is the use of an automated process to analyse personal data in order to assess or predict aspects of a person’s behaviour. the RAVEX Global may use profiling in the following circumstances:
To help identify potential cases of financial crime;
To provide clients and leads with information on the RAVEX Global products and services that seem likely to be of their interest; and
To asses creditworthiness

11.1 The RAVEX Global shall comply with GDPR for its internal process and procedures.
11.2 If national legislation requires a higher level of protection for personal data than the GDPR, such stricter requirements are to be complied with. If the RAVEX Global policies/guidelines are stricter than the local legislation, our policies/guidelines must be complied with if applicable to the services provided or processing being done.


Money laundering is to convert money earned from illegal activity or other financial instruments into money or to make investments in which it seems legitimate. Local and international laws applicable to companies that can deposit and withdraw customers from their accounts.

RAVEX GLOBAL is strictly following the provisions of anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing policy and requires its employees to fully comply with these standards. The Company therefore takes all necessary measures to identify and counter money laundering and terrorist financing. The internal rules shall be observed in accordance with the relevant international requirements.

The purpose of Anti-Money Laundering procedures implemented by RAVEX GLOBAL is to ensure that customers who perform certain activities are defined as a reasonable standard, while at the same time minimizing the compliance burden and the impact on legitimate customers. RAVEX GLOBAL is committed to helping governments in combating the threat of money-laundering and terrorist activities around the world. For this purpose, RAVEX GLOBAL has established a highly sophisticated electronic system. This system documents and verifies customer identification records and monitors and keeps detailed records of all transactions.
RAVEX LLC carefully monitors suspicious and important trading activities and reports such activities to law enforcement agencies that provide “timely and comprehensive information”. The legal framework for protecting the integrity of reporting systems and protecting businesses provides legal protection to such information providers.
In order to minimize the risk of money laundering and the financing of terrorist activities, RAVEX GLOBAL in no way accepts cash deposits or makes any cash payments. RAVEX GLOBAL reserves the right to refuse to take action at any stage where the transfer is believed to be in any way related to money laundering or criminal activity. RAVEX GLOBAL is prohibited from reporting suspicious activity to customers.

In order to comply with anti-money laundering laws, RAVEX LLC requires two different documents to verify the identity of the customer. The first document we need is the official document of the state, which defines the document on which the customer has a picture. A passport issued by the State may be a driver’s license (for countries where the driver’s license is a primary identity card) or a local ID card. The second document we need is an invoice with the customer’s own name and the real address published no later than 3 months ago. An invoice can be a bank statement, a statement, or another document containing the customer’s name and address from an internationally recognized organisation.
To change the phone number for the Customer Profile, Customers must provide a document confirming that a new phone number (agreement with a mobile phone service provider) and a photo of the ID held next to the Customer’s face is available. Customer’s personal information will be the same in both documents.
Customers are required to submit current identity and contact details on time as changes occur.
Documents in non-Western letters should be translated into English by an official interpreter; The translation must be stamped and signed by the interpreter and must be accompanied by the original document together with the customer’s clear picture.

Payment Policy: Deposits and Withdrawals
To make withdrawals from one trading account to one of these systems, your wallet will be charged in 3 business days. If money is lost while trading, a refund cannot be refunded. Please read the risk descriptions before you start trading.
RAVEX GLOBAL requires that all deposits with the name of the departing client come from its name that matches the name of the customer in our records. Third party payments are not accepted.
For withdrawals, money can be withdrawn from the same account and received in the same way. For withdrawals with the recipient’s name, the name must exactly match the name of the customer in our records. If the deposit is made by bank transfer, funds may be withdrawn only by bank transfer to the same bank and to the same account of origin. If the deposit is made via electronic money transfer, funds may be withdrawn only through the same system and via electronic money transfer from the account they originate.
The company accepts deposits in the following currencies: USD, EUR, CHF, AED, RUB, INR, MYR, IDR, BRL, ARS. In order to comply with the AML procedures, withdrawals must be made only in the currency used to deposit.


Our confidentiality agreement includes the provisions that we, as RAVEX GLOBAL company, stipulate for the information and services we provide to our valued investors. We request you to review this contract in detail.
Your privacy is very important to us. We are committed to protecting and respecting your personal data. This Privacy Policy explains how/when we will use your personal data, how we will keep it secure and the types of personal data we collect about you when you choose to use our services. It also aims to help you protect your personal data and your rights.
It is important that you check this page for any updates, as we reserve the right to make changes to our privacy policy from time to time. The personal information we obtain is subject to our most current privacy statement. Since the changes made in this text are important, we would like to state that we can forward the update notifications to our investors. If you are an employee or third party service provider operating in the RAVEX GLOBAL family; It will be ensured that your personal data, business policy and contractual bond are used in accordance with our other policies in the current position by communicating with our company.
In our aforementioned confidentiality agreement; “our”, “us”, “we” or “RAVEX GLOBAL” sources are a reference to each group company within Georgia, Tbilisi, Chugureti District, Iv. Javakhishvili Street, N91, Residential Area, Floor 1, Apartment N2b
, which is the address of our group companies due to context potency, unless otherwise stated.
Likewise, “you”, “yours”, “yours” or “yours” resources in this privacy policy are a reference to the name of our potential investors, arising from the content potency, unless otherwise stated.
When you use any of our communication channels to contact us or when you enter our website; You agree that you have read and understood the terms of this statement and that you know how we process any personal data you share with us before you become an investor.
With this policy, you agree that you know how we obtain, store, process, share and manage your personal data/rights throughout our business relationship and after the termination of the customer relationship, including an update you will make after you create your account at RAVEX GLOBAL.
This privacy policy applies to the processing activities of data controller assets within the RAVEX GLOBAL.
Collection and Storage of Personal Information
The personal information requested from our investors and potential investors serving within our company is as follows:
Name, surname and contact information
Date of birth and gender information.
Information on income and wealth status, including details of assets and liabilities, account balances, transaction submissions, tax and financial statements.
Occupation and employment details.
Location data.
Data and experience in trading risk tolerance and risk profile.
Data for IP address, device characteristics and trading experience.
Bank account, e-wallet and credit card information.
your visits to the RAVEX GLOBAL site or RAVEX GLOBAL applications; Various details including traffic data, location data, blogs and other communication data.
We use cookies to collect and store information about your use of the RAVEX GLOBAL site.
Cookies are small text files stored by the browser on your device’s hard drive and when you enter the RAVEX GLOBAL site they send back data to our web server that needs to be reloaded.
These cookies allow us to adjust your personal settings and upload your personal preferences to improve your experience.
You can learn more about our cookies in the “Our Cookies Policy” section on the RAVEX GLOBAL site.
In addition, we keep records of your business activities, including:
Products you trade with RAVEX GLOBAL company
Historical data on your investments
The choices you make for a particular product or service
If you are opening a new account or signing up for an existing account, the law must provide for you. Anti-money laundering laws require that we view and record the details of certain documents (photographic and non-photographic documents) to meet the standards set under those laws.
Identity documents required under money laundering legislation or other legislation related to the services we provide to you include:
Driver’s license
National identity document (if applicable)
electricity bills
Certificate of trust (if any)
A credit check on the individual or
Other data deemed necessary for our functions and activities.
If you are an institutional investor; You must share with us additional information such as company addresses, shareholders, directors, officers, including additional personal information about shareholders and directors.
We reserve the right to request additional information as deemed necessary to comply with our legal and requirements.
The said data; We obtain our services in a variety of ways using our websites, account sign-up apps, demo sign-up forms, webinar sign-up forms, website cookies, and similar tracking technologies built into our website and apps.
News changes and information provided during our updates; We also have the right to access data about our investors through third party marketing lists purchased from third parties, public sources, social media platforms, brokers and affiliates, bankers and credit card processors, subscription-based intelligence databases, and other third parties.
Other than these, we may request personal data at certain time intervals at our own request. (for example, through market research, surveys or special offers).
If you do not want to provide information that will enable us to fulfil your request for a particular product or service, we may not be able to provide you with the requested product or service.
We may record any communication we have, electronically or by telephone, regarding the services we provide to you and our relationship with you.
The aforementioned records will be the sole property of our company and will provide proof of communication between the company and the investor.
Such phone conversations can be recorded without a warning tone or other warning. In addition, please note that if you visit any of our offices or facilities, we may have CCTVs that will record your image.
As part of the use of your personal information for the purposes outlined above, we may disclose your information to:
Companies that provide financial and other services within the RAVEX GLOBAL.
Third-party application providers, when using RAVEX GLOBAL proprietary applications, communication systems and trading platforms used by third parties.
Service providers and specialist consultants contracted to provide administrative, IT, analytics and online marketing optimization, financial, compliance, insurance, research or other services.
Persons who provide promotional services to brokers and affiliated entities with whom we have a reciprocal relationship.
Payment service providers and banks that process your transactions.
Auditors, consultants or contractors who oversee any of our business purposes.
Agreements with law enforcement agencies and government agencies that respond to other requests where required by law.
Any third party for whom such disclosures are necessary to enforce or enforce our Terms of Service and other related agreements.
Anyone authorised by you.
We endeavour to disclose to these third parties only the minimum personal data necessary to fulfil their contractual obligations. Our third-party service providers are not permitted to share or use the personal data we provide to them for any purpose other than providing services to us.
Our websites or apps may contain links to external third-party websites. However, please note that third-party websites are not covered by this privacy statement and are not subject to our privacy standards and procedures.
You can check their pages to learn about the privacy practices and procedures of third parties.
We may process your personal information on behalf of one or more legal proceedings in relation to the reasons and purposes determined by our company. The situations referred to as legal basis are as follows:
Fulfilling contractual responsibilities towards the investor
Comply with legal and requirements
To follow our legitimate interests
If one of the laws consisting of these three items is to be neglected while using the personal information of our investors, the approval of the investor is required. This permission will be given by the investor freely and freely.
The investor has the right to withdraw his consent at any time by contacting the company through the RAVEX GLOBAL contact information specified in this privacy policy.
As RAVEX GLOBAL; We are committed to protecting personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed. We will implement and maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure, and to ensure the level of security required to protect the personal data provided to us from access.
We have appointed a “Data Protection Officer” to ensure that the management of personal information complies with this privacy statement and applicable legislation. Outside of the RAVEX GLOBAL, we undertake that those who accept the confidentiality of this information, handle or receive personal information will respect the right to privacy and comply with all relevant data protection laws and these privacy statements.
The data protection measures we implement are:
Our employees who deal with personal information are trained on security measures that require them to use two-factor authentication along with a password when accessing investor information and our system. In these security measures, Chinese walls are enforced and our employees can only access personal data necessary for the task they are performing.
Data encryption technologies are used during data transfer in internet transactions.
Client access codes transferred between networks using firewalls, intrusion detection systems and virus scanning tools are used against unauthorised persons and viruses entering our system.
When sending electronic data for outsourcing; A clean desk policy is enforced at all facilities that provide secure storage for physical records, institutionally maintained by us and all our relevant institutions, using private secure networks or encryption.
Physical and electronic means such as access cards, cameras and guards are used to protect against unauthorized access.
We maintain personal data in a combination of secure computer storage facilities and paper-based files and other records. When we determine that personal data is no longer necessary, we will remove details that would identify the investor or securely destroy records. In addition, it may be necessary for us to keep records for a significant period of time. For example, we are subject to investment services and money laundering laws that require us to keep copies and evidence of actions taken from our company regarding identity verification, sources of income, tracking transactions, telephone, chat. Email communications, orders and trade history; By addressing your complaints and records, we can demonstrate that we comply with codes of conduct throughout the business relationship. These records must be retained for five years after our relationship with you has ended. When you opt out of receiving marketing communications, we will keep your information on our suppression list because we know you do not want to receive these communications. INVESTOR RIGHTS
Although not valid in all circumstances, the rights of investors are as follows:
Requesting access to personal data (commonly known as “Data subject access request”)
Request the correction of the personal data we hold about you
To request the deletion of personal data. However, we may not always comply with your deletion request due to certain legal reasons which will be communicated to you at your request.
Within the scope of your fundamental rights and freedoms, you can notify us of situations where you feel uncomfortable or think that your personal data will be processed on grounds that we depend on for a legitimate interest (or that of a third party).
You also have the right to object to where we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes. In some cases, we may demonstrate that we have legitimate grounds for processing your information that overrides your rights and freedoms.
To request the restriction of the processing of your personal data.
This allows you to request that we suspend the processing of your personal data in the following scenarios:
– When you ask us to determine the accuracy of the data
– Where the use of the data is unlawful but you do not want us to delete it; you can decide where you should keep the data without the need for us to hold it, unless you need it to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.
– You object to our use of your data. However, we need to verify whether it overrides legal reasons to use it.
To request the transfer of your personal data to you or a third party. We will provide you or a third party of your choice with your personal data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format.
You should note that this right only applies to automated information (for example, not hard copies) that you have consented to be used for you or that we use to conclude a contract with you.
Withdraw your consent at any time to process your personal information.
We try to respond to all requests within 1 (one) month. If the investor’s request is complex or excessive, our response time may take longer than 1 (one) month. In this case, we inform our investor within 1 (one) month from the receipt of the request and keep it updated. We may charge a reasonable fee when a request is manifestly unfounded, excessive or repetitive, or when we receive a request to provide more copies of the same data. In this case, we will send the investor a fee request that they must accept before processing their claim. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with the investor’s request in these circumstances.



This short notice, in addition to the General Terms and Conditions, does not aim to address all the risks and other important aspects of foreign currency and derivative transactions. If you do not know the nature of the contracts you enter, the legal aspects of these relationships within the scope of such contracts or the degree of exposure to risk, taking into account the risks, you should not resolve the transactions of those products. Foreign currency and derivative transactions are highly risky, therefore not suitable for many people. Considering your experience, goals, financial resources and other important factors, you should consider how appropriate such actions are for you.
1.1 Leveraged trading means the growth of potential profits; It also means that the losses are enlarged. The lower the margin requirement, the higher the risk of potential harm if the market moves against you. Sometimes the required margins can be as low as 0.5%. When trading using margin, remember that your losses can exceed your initial payment and you may lose more money than you originally invested. The amount of the initial margin may be small compared to the values of the foreign exchange contracts or derivatives, because the “leverage” or “gear” effect is used during the trade. Relatively noteworthy market movements will have a proportionately increasing effect on the amount invested or deposited by you. This may be against you or against you. While supporting your position, there may be any loss in the level of the first margin and the amount of money invested in the Company. If the market has started to move in the opposite direction of your position and / or the amount of margin required increases, the Company may immediately ask you to make an additional amount of money to support the position. Failure to compensate for additional deposits will result in your Company’s position (s) being closed and you will be responsible for any loss or deficiency associated with it.
1.2 Orders and Strategies that reduce risk
If permitted by local law, certain orders (eg “stop-stop” orders) or “stop-limit” orders limiting the maximum amount of damage can be inefficient in the case of market conditions, making it impossible to implement such orders (for example, if the market is liquidity). Any strategy using combinations of locations may not be less risky than those common to “span” and “infestation”, “long”, and “short” locations.
2.1 Conditions for entry into contracts
You will need to obtain detailed information about the terms of contracting from your broker and the obligations related to them (for example, if you are able to accrue an obligation to carry out or accept any asset within a delivery frame) under the terms of a futures contract or, if an option is available, the expiration dates and options are fulfilled. Information on time limits for. Under some circumstances, a stock exchange or clearing house may change the requirements of uncontracted contracts (including strike costs) to reflect changes in the market for that asset.
2.2 Suspension or restriction of trade. Price correlation
Certain market conditions (eg liquidity) and / or the operating rules of some markets (eg suspension of trade by contracts, for months, due to redundancy in price changes) may increase the risk. the occurrence of transactions or the positions of the squaring / netting as they become difficult or impossible. Losses may increase if you sell options. A well-grounded interconnection is not always included in the price of the asset and the derivative. The fact that an asset does not have a reference price may make it difficult to estimate the ger fair value Bir.
2.3 Deposit funds and property
When conducting an operation in your country or abroad, you should be aware of the protective equipment, particularly within the Security limits you invest in the form of cash or other assets, if you are going to go bankrupt or go bankrupt. subject. It is regulated by the legislation and local country standards in which the counterparty conducts its activities, to what extent you can return your cash or other assets.
2.4 Commission fees and other charges
Before joining any trades, you should receive clear information on all commission fees, payments, and other costs that must be paid by you. These expenses will affect your net financial outcome (profit or loss).
2.5 Transactions in other jurisdictions
It may cause additional risks for you to perform transactions in the markets in other jurisdictions, including the markets that are officially linked to your internal market. The regulation of said markets may differ from that of investor protection degree (including a lower degree of protection than you). Your local regulatory authority cannot ensure that the rules set out in other jurisdictions in which you operate by regulatory authorities or markets are complied with.
2.6 Currency risk
Unlike the currency of your account, the foreign currency denominated transactions are affected by the fluctuations in the exchange rate when the contract currency is converted to the currency of the account.
2.7 Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk affects your ability to process. The risk that your CFD or asset will not be traded at any time you wish to trade (to avoid or damage a loss). In addition, the margin you need to provide as a deposit to the CFD provider is recalculated daily based on changes in the value of the underlying assets of the CFDs you have. If this recalculation (revaluation) causes a decrease in value compared to the previous day, you will need to immediately pay cash to the CFD supplier to re-adjust the margin and close the loss. If you are unable to make a payment, the CFD provider may also close your position, whether you participate in this action or not. Then, even if the price of the underlying asset is recovered, you will have to cover the loss. If you don’t have the required margin, one of these positions has CFD providers that will liquidate all of your CFD positions, even if they profit at that stage. To keep your location open, you may need to allow the CFD provider to receive additional payments (usually from your credit card) at its discretion when necessary for the respective margin calls. In a fast-moving, variable market, you can easily manage a large credit card bill.
2.8 “Stop loss” limits
To limit losses, many CFD providers offer you the opportunity to select the “stop loss Kay limits. This automatically closes your location when it reaches a price limit of your choice. For example, there are some cases where the durum stop loss olduğ limit is ineffective when there are fast price movements or market closures. Stop loss limits cannot always protect you from losses.
2.9 Risk of execution
Risk of execution is related to the fact that transactions cannot be realized immediately. For example, there may be a delay between the moment you place your order and the moment of the transaction. During this period, the market may have moved against you. So, your order doesn’t come from the price you expect. Some CFD providers allow you to trade even when the market is closed. Please note that the prices for these transactions may vary greatly from the closing price of the underlying asset. In many cases, the spread may be wider than when the market is open.
2.10 Counterparty risk
The counterparty risk is the risk that the provider issuing the CFD (ie your counterparty) is at default and cannot meet its financial obligations. If your funds are not properly allocated from the CFD provider’s funds and the CFD provider faces financial difficulties, there is a risk that you will not be able to recover any money.
2.11 Trading systems
Most of the usual “voice” and electronic trading systems use computer devices to delete routing orders, balancing transactions, registrations and transactions. As with other electronic devices and systems, they are subject to temporary fault and malfunction. Your chances of reimbursement of certain damages may depend on the limits of liability set out by the supplier of trading systems, markets, clearing and / or trading companies. These limits may vary; you should receive detailed information from your broker.
2.12 Electronic commerce
Trading transactions using any Electronic Communications Network may differ not only from trading in the normal “open circuit” market but also from trading transactions using other electronic trading systems. If you perform any operation on the Electronic Communications Network, you will take risks specific to this system, including the risk of failure in the operation of the hardware or software. System failure may result in the following: Your order may not be performed in accordance with the instructions; an order may never be fulfilled; It may not be possible to obtain continuous information about your positions or to meet collateral requirements.
2.13 Bench Top Operations
In some jurisdictions, companies are allowed to perform over-the-counter transactions. Your agency can act as a response to these transactions. The nature of such transactions depends on the complexity or impossibility of determining the closing positions, the estimation of values, or the exposure to reasonable price or risk. For the reasons mentioned above, these processes can be associated with increasing risks. Arrangements that manage over-the-counter operations can be less stringent or provide a specific editing mode. Before doing this, you will need to be familiar with the rules and risks associated with them.